What are clients saying about their sessions:

"A friend of mine strongly recommended energy therapy for me. I searched the Internet and came across Heather’s website. I was intrigued so I made an appointment. I had no idea of what to expect. Afterward, I realized that the session with Heather was beyond anything I could have possibly imagined.

Heather is a kind, caring, compassionate, and an amazing individual whose extraordinary gifts unearthed some lifelong wounds that have been buried deep within myself. Heather always made me feel safe as she approached these wounds. At the end of the session, I felt an inner peace that I haven’t felt in a long time. I highly recommend Heather. I plan on having more sessions with her as I journey down the road toward wellness." - A.M, Virginia

"My session with Heather was nothing beyond extraordinary. You see I have had many sessions and forms of energy work and bodywork done in the past, especially more focused over this last year.

Open to new ideas and methods, I booked the appointment with an open mind - can't hurt right? Well, I had no idea what was about to change my life moving forward!

I will not explain exactly the shift that took place for me personally, as everyone comes to the table for different reasons. However, Heather holds space and moves energy which opens new pathways on many levels that I had NEVER experienced before. Spiritual, emotional, higher self connection, all of this and more truly effected me to a whole new level of being. I am changed and amazed, expansion never felt so good!

I am SO joyful - more than grateful to have experienced this awakening, finally I have answers!" -E.K, Virginia

"Heather Lutz is a very special healer in that she combines energy work, bodywork, and a rich psychological component based on personal history and much study and learning. She has helped me tremendously in making changes in my life and understanding personal history and family dynamics. She is a bright and positive person who can’t help but inspire. I highly recommend her." -P.W, Virginia